There really is so much ground to cover that I can't possibly do it in one post or I'd be spending all day on it (I do have to actually work, you know :)
This post I'll focus on the basic intellisense engine, which is probably considered the core functionallity. I used it with both Query Analyzer and SQL Server Management Studio, as I'm a SQL Server developer. I couldn't find any difference in functionality between the two. I tested against a SQL server on my local network.
The first thing I noticed is that it's damned fast. It didn't delay the load time of the editor applications at all. And when I expected it to pop up, it did immediately. It also doesn't pop up in unexpected places. This is crucial, as an overly aggressive intellisense hurts productivity and is really anoying. I think they found the right balance.
The popup window itself is small and elegant. It displays as a kind of tree-grid, where you can expand a parent object to see it's children. I've found that it works as a great quick schema browser.
Here's an example. I invoked the SQL Assistant via Ctrl+Space, and typed in a partial name of a table, that allowed me to find and browse it's schema very quickly, especially when comparing how long it takes to find something in the object browser.
It also has a great JOIN assistant, which detects FKs and automatically brings these to the top of the list. Furthermore if you choose the actual column (by expanding the hierarchy) it will also fill in the ON condition for you.
However it does have a flaw, once you reach the ON condition this happens:
Oops! What if I don't want to JOIN on that? It's perfectly valid to have alternative JOIN conditions. (Note: there is a workaround for this which I'll cover at a later time)
Other supported items are local variables. Temp tables aren't supported, and table variables are semi supported, in that you can see them in candidate lists like scalar variables, but you can't get the column information.
Well that's it for now. Like I said above this is just the 1st of a multi part series.